In today's video posted on YouTube, I had said that if I saw events changing, I would do a follow-up and I would post it on my site.
I was trying to determine what the outcome of the celebration of Flag Day in Jerusalem might be.
The questions are, could this turn out to a full-fledged war such as it was in May 2021 which concluded after 11 days of battle, Hamas launched a barrage of rockets towards Jerusalem and what ended up in kicking off the 11-day Gaza war ending in a lot of damage and many deaths on both sides.
Or could it lead to something bigger?
Palestinian terror groups warned on Saturday of an upcoming explosion ahead of Jerusalem Flag Day March. Noted Hamas saying that Muslims across the world should take to the streets tomorrow in a day of anger toward Jerusalem.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad has said the expected March will lead to a wide explosion at several levels and the resistance is fully ready to wage a confrontation to defend the holy site.
Folks, this being said lest than 20 hours before the March starts. Hamas leader has said the Palestinian people will not permit this Jewish Talmudic (book of Jewish Law) rubbish to go on answered.
In the past Hamas official has said that the Palestinians must do a great deed so that they know (Israeli’s) assaulting the mosque will make heavens fall to earth. Interesting wording to say the least. Also stated aggression against the mosque and attempts to divide it will make the nations seethe with boundless rage he added.
Israeli police Commissioner ordered the readiness of alert level to be ratcheted up in Jerusalem and so-called mixed Jewish and Arab cities throughout the country ahead of the March.
Now here is going to be my main point in that is considering all the different warring proxies of Iran and Quarter, and others, I don't think that this could happen unless they got the okay from Iran's Ayatollah.
So I'm thinking at this point this may be seen as an opportunity for a Iran to punish Israel for many of its latest military excursions with in the last several months that have gone unanswered.
My last thought that it Iran is anticipating doing a lot of damage to Israel but not contemplating an all out war.
I think it very possible. This morning I didn’t think anything would happen but as the day progresses I’m more convinced something will happen. If nothing else maybe some random attacks during the march as an instigation to something bigger. But your correct Ross, Iran will want to get revenge. Maybe tomorrow.
Hi Ross,
My dad Bob needs Jesus. Please pray that God will send someone on his path to tell him about Jesus. I have done all i can telling him about the good news but he refuses to accept Jesus Christ into his heart. Thank you for all you do in keeping us up-to-date with the bible prophecy. God bless you Ross!