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  • Writer's pictureRoss

There is a way out of all of this warring in Gaza. Will it be accepted? Then Peace and Safety.

The militant Islamist group has dropped a demand that Israel first commit to a permanent ceasefire before signing the agreement and would allow negotiations to achieve that throughout a first six-week phase.

Hamas informed its ally Hezbollah it had agreed to a proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the leader of the powerful Lebanese group welcomed the step.

One of the sources; the group would cease fire as soon as any Gaza ceasefire agreement takes effect, if there is a Gaza agreement, then from zero hour there will be a ceasefire in Lebanon.

A senior U.S. administration official said on Thursday that Hamas had made a pretty significant adjustment in hope that it would lead to a pact that would be a step to a permanent ceasefire.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday he would send a delegation to resume negotiations, and an Israeli official said his country's team would be led by the head of the Mossad intelligence agency.

Notice the two, Hamas and Hezbollah, working fervently together.

Hamas agrees to proposal on talks to free Israeli hostages 16 days after first phase, Hamas source says.

Hamas has accepted a U.S. proposal to begin talks on releasing Israeli hostages, including soldiers and men, 16 days after the first phase of an agreement aimed at ending the Gaza war.

A Palestinian official close to the internationally mediated peace efforts had said the proposal could lead to a framework agreement if embraced by Israel and would end the nine-month-old war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The Hamas source said the proposal ensures that mediators would guarantee a temporary ceasefire, aid delivery and withdrawal of Israeli troops as long as indirect talks continue to implement the second phase of the agreement.

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8 comentarios

Rapture du Toit
Rapture du Toit
06 jul

Forgive if this is off-topic in anyone's view, because that is not my intention and I will gladly bow-out if my comments are unwanted here, ... Ross is doing a wonderful job in keeping us up to date and in line with Ps.83 & Zec.12, and I do not want to be a negative influence in any way whatsoever, tell me please, I can take it by the Grace of God since I have virtually no friends left for communicating Word, not as a new authority, but to confirm His Word in real life as He does it before our very eyes, to glorify Him! Now, here follows my actual comment that anyone can scroll past & forget, but for those…

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06 jul

Brothers and Sisters in Jesus:

There is one very large obstacle in the way of this cease fire being the one that holds for a brief moment. Can this be achieved when we have heard it all before about Biden's peace agreement. I think that says it all right there. It's an agreement made by the enemies. forward to (their) peace and safety or is it another stall in time to when the (enemy) approaches?

Netanyahu has made it perfectly clear that he seems to stand firmly that there will be no permanent cease fire unless Hamas is destroyed. We are the ones seamlessly on an endless rollercoaster ride awaiting the time that we are caught up to be with…

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Laurie Nordin
Laurie Nordin
06 jul
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Watching, waiting, listening and praying.

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06 jul

Interesting how this first 6 week phase starts exactly when Dr. Barry Awe is saying the true days of Pentecost fall on. August 13th & 14th. Could this be the true 8th and 9th of Av?, and the anouncement of Peace and Safety ? Just a thought !

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Rapture du Toit
Rapture du Toit
06 jul

When I read your post, the following verse immediately popped into my head: Dan.11:23, "And after they join him, he will practice deceit. For he will come and be strong with a few people."

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Rapture du Toit
Rapture du Toit
06 jul
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Thank you Sister, we are so close to being Raptured I believe, see ya all soon!

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Diane Bergschneider
Diane Bergschneider
06 jul

I don't understand why Israel would go along with any ceasefire of any degree...they would be acquiescing to the devils of their surrounding enemies. The status of the hostages/hidden ones is an unknown, but, my senses tell me they are all dead..but, hanging the carrot of hope to the world that Hamas/Hezbollah are a changed people is a joke. Their ideologies say otherwise; they want to remove Israel from the map and death to all Jews. Psalm 83 - time for God's divine intervention! 🙏

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