America is told to stop the war?? Threat to America, if the war continues?? possible attack on America and Israel ?? Iran-- Muslims unite with death to America, annihilate Israel. Black flag raised on mosque back on Oct 17th, which now reports say was for mourning, not for war (right..). things don't look promising ...except that God will soon step in for Israel. Maranatha!
Gefällt mir
Diane Bergschneider
01. Dez. 2023
Thankyou, Ross, for this morning's update. We are not ignorant of the signs and compilation of news surrounding the scriptural prophesies. America WILL jump in to stop the war, I believe...can't shake the sense of that feeling...maybe I will be wrong. America never has supported Israel truly; just lots of double talk, that would benefit the administration's agenda. Shame on my country which I have always loved..and, this country will be cursed per God's word for that.
Gefällt mir
01. Dez. 2023
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb. 10:31) America is walking on thin ice. Thank you once again for the pertinent update. 🙏💕🙏
Gefällt mir
Pam Phillips
01. Dez. 2023
Thank you for coming on. I needed to hear your take on this this morning as I have been scouring the news and read on telegram that Israel’s plans for this war was a year long. Sigh… I’ll have to go back and reread your post of this scenario. Your updates are much needed however brief - or even lengthy they may be.
Thank you, Ross.
America is told to stop the war?? Threat to America, if the war continues?? possible attack on America and Israel ?? Iran-- Muslims unite with death to America, annihilate Israel. Black flag raised on mosque back on Oct 17th, which now reports say was for mourning, not for war (right..). things don't look promising ...except that God will soon step in for Israel. Maranatha!
Thankyou, Ross, for this morning's update. We are not ignorant of the signs and compilation of news surrounding the scriptural prophesies. America WILL jump in to stop the war, I believe...can't shake the sense of that feeling...maybe I will be wrong. America never has supported Israel truly; just lots of double talk, that would benefit the administration's agenda. Shame on my country which I have always loved..and, this country will be cursed per God's word for that.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Heb. 10:31) America is walking on thin ice. Thank you once again for the pertinent update. 🙏💕🙏
Thank you for coming on. I needed to hear your take on this this morning as I have been scouring the news and read on telegram that Israel’s plans for this war was a year long. Sigh… I’ll have to go back and reread your post of this scenario. Your updates are much needed however brief - or even lengthy they may be.