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A momentous build for wanting a Palestinian state Claiming peace and safety.

Norway and Ireland having recognized Palestine as an independent state, and Spain expected to follow suit by the end of May, it appears that international momentum for a two-state solution would be the answer.

Polls taken, asked the two-state solution question recently in the context of “serious negotiations” and got a 72.5% positive response. this up from 34% a year ago.

Highly significant as this could be seen as a military move, it's called divide and conquer and as we understand through Scripture, the first move of an enemy is to divide. However, it seems to be disguised as a move to bring about more peace but is there more to it. My understanding comes from Scripture, Psalm 83. As Asaph the prophet said they hate thee and have taken crafty counsel against thy people and consulted against them. Paraphrased of course. In verse four he makes it very clear he says and let us (the enemy) cut them off from being a nation, Psalm 83:4 cut them off from being a nation is quite foretelling.

Gaza, West Bank becoming the territory of the Palestinians and them becoming a state, along with Jerusalem becoming its capital is important and crucial in helping us to establish a timeline of an intervention by God. This action of God is seen in Psalm 83:13-18. We are knowing through other scriptures a Palestinian state could not and will not ever happen. When will God put an end to this two-state, Palestinian state want?

In helping us to establish a timeline of God's by knowing this cannot happen it stands to reason that this momentum will come to a sudden stop, especially and it turn have an effect on future course of events.

This, two-state is seen as a mission impossible according to Scripture. We can't be that far away from a sudden stop to all of this along with a sudden destruction'

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